Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Swine flu and Back to School

Schools preparing for

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why Go to Summer Camp

Jeff Lorenz

In the early 1900's a tradition in America was born it Children's Summer Camp. The originally thought that camp was all about getting young children out of the city and enjoying being out in nature the clean cool air of the country while learning what camping was all about.

Today, summer camp has progressed from campfires to computer screens and from nature trails to rollerblade rinks. In fact, many of today's camp programs take place in the heart of the city.

The essence and the purpose of traditional summer camps remains unchanged. Summer still comes and children need to use their summertime in a productive and healthy way. The best summer camps teach activity skills but are equally dedicated to a child's maturity and personal growth. Summer camp has a special feeling one of fun and a relaxed environment. They work with parents in developing a child's self confidence, self esteem, independence, leadership, mutual understanding and making new friends. It is this that make summer camp unlike any place else in a child's life.

Nationally, nearly 12,000 summer camp programs exist with nearly 8 million children participating summer camp each and every year. The ACA (American Camp Association) is industry organization that accredits summer camps. They are also responsible for giving gives us these figures. It seems that that families are rediscovering the many benefits camp gives our children.

Nationally, nearly 9 million children attend some sort of summer camp programs. So say the The American Camp Association. The ACA is a community of camp professionals that is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults through the camp adventures. It is the ACA that accredits all types of summer camps and makes sure they are safe for your child.

One can find camps that specialize in rollerblading, space, football, soccer, tennis, computer, academics, traveling, nature, world peace, weight loss, art, and much more. Yet, traditional children’s summer camp still continue to provide a well rounded program despite the many special interest camps available.

There is wide variation in cost, with camp prices to suit almost every budget. Generally, programs run by organizations like churches and YMCA/YWCA tend to be less expensive than private or independent summer camp. Local government agencies such as city and county parks are the most reasonable. Day camps can range from $200 to $1000 per week, while overnight experiences range from $400 to $1200 per week.

Changing eating habits like planning your menu for the whole week using some sort of meal planner and change how you shop look for more healthy foods stick to the main food groups and how many serving of each your body needs for you lose weight and still stay healthy without starving your body for nutrition. Just remember to look for a diet plan that will give you new ideas for meals and controls your calorie intake.

So in closing everyone should remember that losing your weight is not going to be easy although through healthy food choices being active and staying active as well as having a good support system in place as well as realistic goal setting and pure good old commitment you will be well on your way to losing the weight you want for a lifetime

Calcium Pyruvate can be obtained from VitaDigest.com

When one weighs heavily, the joints of his or her knees, hips and lower back would have to exert double – if not triple – effort to carry him or her through out his / her waking, walking and moving life. This could cause tension and stress on these joints. Weight loss decreases the load these joints carry thus decreasing – if not eliminating – the pain of one who has osteoarthritis.

Mothers always say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Have a healthy meal in the morning to jump-start your metabolism.

Your food intake after you wake up will be used to burn fat all day long.

3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently. (About 6)

Five small-serving snacks per day are better than three hearty meals. Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also increase your metabolism and make calories burn faster. You don’t get hungry you are consistently eating,

4. Decide on how much weight you want to lose.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have decided on a weight loss plan or program, stick to it and make sure that you follow your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water. (12 oz. every meal 6)

Your body needs sufficient water to burn fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

Visit the Best Summer Camp

How to Pick a Summer Camp by watching a DVD

Lonnie Lorenz

So you've decided you want your child to go to summer camp? Before getting camp information you should have a goal in mind. Make a list of things you feel you want your kid to gain from a summer camp experience. Make sure it's not just about activities. What about a camp's physical attributes, like cabins or tents? Is it a small, personal camp or a large camp with loads of campers? Once you have this information, you can create a check list to help compare camps and narrow down your search for the best summer camp.

Next, take your top six or seven camp choices and e-mail each camp director to get the information about that camp. Most camps not only have a paper brochure but will offer a promotional DVD as well. A video will certainly give you a chance to see what a children's summer camp is about, but it is still a promotional tool ~ think of the DVD as a more sophisticated brochure for that camp.

Now it is time get to get your child involved. Sit down as a family and watch the videos. Let your child take the lead talking about what he or she saw, and tell you more about what he or she is looking for. You may need to do a little encouraging to get your new camper talking. Doing this persisitently will help you see what is important in a camp to your child. Prior to going to camp, please explain to your child that the videos are advertisements and that the reality may not always match what you see on the screen. It is good to stop for brief reality check now and then!

Now it is time get to get your child involved. Sit down as a family and watch the videos. Let your child take the lead talking about what he or she saw, and tell you more about what he or she is looking for. You may need to do a little encouraging to get your new camper talking. Doing this persisitently will help you see what is important in a camp to your child. Prior to going to camp, please explain to your child that the videos are advertisements and that the reality may not always match what you see on the screen. It is good to stop for brief reality check now and then!

•While viewing the DVD watch the little details for clues that will give you an inside look at the camp's philosophy and strengths. While you're watching, look for the following information:

•While viewing the DVD watch the little details for clues that will give you an inside look at the camp's philosophy and strengths. While you're watching, look for the following information:

•Do the kids in the video look like they're having fun? What activities are they doing, and would your child enjoy them?

•Does the video answer your questions about the camp? While there should be additional questions that you want to ask the director, the video should give you a comprehensive overview.

•What does the video emphasize? Pay attention to what activities and facilities get the most time in the video.

•What level of sports are shown, in terms of skill and sophistication? If you're looking for a specialty sports camp, does the level of play look too advanced or too basic?

•What level of sports are shown, in terms of skill and sophistication? If you're looking for a specialty sports camp, does the level of play look too advanced or too basic?

•What philosophical qualities does the video stress? Does the video seem to be consistent with and complement the philosophies expressed in the camp's printed materials?

•What is your and your child's general impression after watching? Sometimes a gut instinct may tell you the most.

Remember, videos are a great way to get a basic understanding about children's camps but don’t be fooled by slick, high-powered DVD’s. They are only a tool to help you make an informed decision, but you will still need to talk to the camp directors personally and ask for and check references to make the best choice for your child.

So in closing everyone should remember that losing your weight is not going to be easy although through healthy food choices being active and staying active as well as having a good support system in place as well as realistic goal setting and pure good old commitment you will be well on your way to losing the weight you want for a lifetime

Calcium Pyruvate can be obtained from VitaDigest.com

When one weighs heavily, the joints of his or her knees, hips and lower back would have to exert double – if not triple – effort to carry him or her through out his / her waking, walking and moving life. This could cause tension and stress on these joints. Weight loss decreases the load these joints carry thus decreasing – if not eliminating – the pain of one who has osteoarthritis.

Mothers always say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Have a healthy meal in the morning to jump-start your metabolism.

Your food intake after you wake up will be used to burn fat all day long.

3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently. (About 6)

Five small-serving snacks per day are better than three hearty meals. Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also increase your metabolism and make calories burn faster. You don’t get hungry you are consistently eating,

4. Decide on how much weight you want to lose.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have decided on a weight loss plan or program, stick to it and make sure that you follow your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water. (12 oz. every meal 6)

Your body needs sufficient water to burn fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

Learn more Summer Camp Directory

Children's Summer Camp in Minnesota

jeff and Lonnie Lorenz

Send my child to a sleepaway summer camp in the Northwoods of Minnesota? I love my kid! Why would I ever do that? Because kids all over this country are deprived of simple pleasures, unstructured time and the self affirmation of being in Nature. Recent studies show that experiences in the wilderness and time spent in natural outdoor areas produce positive psychological and physiological responses in children. These include but are not limited to reduced stress and a general feeling of well-being. Our modern, increasingly artificial man-made world is not a kind environment for children. Historically, children have naturally felt comfortable being outdoors. Minnesota summer camps are among the best suited anywhere for getting kids safely back to the country and into direct contact with nature.

For a child, paddling down a Minnesota lake or river is like no other feeling in the whole world. Campers have a feeling of control. The canoe becomes their mode of transport for exploration and discovery in nature. Campers are the directors of the adventure.

Once they get near the water, children's minds turn to fishing. Thoughts turn to the wonder of what could be swimming under your canoe and the chance that maybe, just maybe you might just catch one ot those mysterious Minnesota Muskies. The heart fills with the sense of what's possible. Those are feelings that every child at Swift Nature Camp has.

Loons are a Minnesota northwoods animal that campers are sure to hear before they see at an overnight summer camp. The loon's mysterious wail is a sound that one never forgets. The haunting sound scares many a kid until they learn that its just an ordinary water foul. But a child will learn that there's nothing ordinary about the loon's abilities to hold their breath for 20 minutes and go for deep swims under the surface.

Every night at Swift Nature Camp, campers make the time to go to the Minnesota Lake shore and just take in the natural beauty of the setting sun. It is during this time that peace comes to everyone, relaxing at the quiet end of a marvelous busy day.

A forest in the Northwoods of Minnesota is blanketed with all sorts of pines trees. White, Red and Jack Pines are all prevalent. The scent is unmistakeable and unforgettable. Imagine a Christmas tree multiplied by a thousand. The memory of this smell will send an adult back to their childhood days in the forest in a instant.

When you think America you might think of our national bird, the Bald Eagle. Yet very few Americans can say that they have seen an eagle fly overhead or swoop down to grab a fish with its talons. Campers attending Swift Nature Camp see these majestic birds daily, because eagles call the north woods of Minnesota their home.

At Swift Nature Camp, located in Minnesota, campers get hands-on learning experience with current forestry practices as they walk through Jack Pine clear-cut and regeneration areas, and they are able to observe and learn about much of the nature and wildlife that abound throughout the forest. At the pond the kids catch a variety of critters, including insects, frogs and leeches, and receive a lesson about the various wetland invertebrates they find. In the SNC Nature Center the children get the opportunity to take care of other kinds of animals and can even bring their own from home.

Remember, videos are a great way to get a basic understanding about children's camps but don’t be fooled by slick, high-powered DVD’s. They are only a tool to help you make an informed decision, but you will still need to talk to the camp directors personally and ask for and check references to make the best choice for your child.

So in closing everyone should remember that losing your weight is not going to be easy although through healthy food choices being active and staying active as well as having a good support system in place as well as realistic goal setting and pure good old commitment you will be well on your way to losing the weight you want for a lifetime

Calcium Pyruvate can be obtained from VitaDigest.com

When one weighs heavily, the joints of his or her knees, hips and lower back would have to exert double – if not triple – effort to carry him or her through out his / her waking, walking and moving life. This could cause tension and stress on these joints. Weight loss decreases the load these joints carry thus decreasing – if not eliminating – the pain of one who has osteoarthritis.

Mothers always say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Have a healthy meal in the morning to jump-start your metabolism.

Your food intake after you wake up will be used to burn fat all day long.

3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently. (About 6)

Five small-serving snacks per day are better than three hearty meals. Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also increase your metabolism and make calories burn faster. You don’t get hungry you are consistently eating,

4. Decide on how much weight you want to lose.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have decided on a weight loss plan or program, stick to it and make sure that you follow your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water. (12 oz. every meal 6)

Your body needs sufficient water to burn fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

Find the Best Summer Camps in Minnesotacamp for kids minnesota

Blogs at Children's Summer Camps

Lonnie & Jeff Lorenz

Swift Nature Camp has a blog that gives campers and the rest of the world a opportunity to check us out. We have plenty of articles every few days going up. I have taken the time to show you a few from our summer camp blog.

Swift nature Camp is so much more than FUN. Our tree of Values helps campers concentrate on the importance of group living. The life skills that are so important to yourself and to others. The tree has 12 branches that include: Responsibility, Persistence, Honesty, Enthusiasm and a host of others. Nation wide there is a program called Character Counts. This is our program and each day we use these values. But it’s when we focus on them and keep them in the forefront of our daily life that it helps us make good choices. Daily we might see these values as you help another camper carry a hiking pack or maybe as you forgive a camper that touched your stuff. Swift Nature Camp, like life has many opportunities to use the SNC tree of values. After all camp is just a little piece of life that you will never forget.

Swift Nature Camp’s summer pottery program is going to be one of our most exciting programs in the summer of 2009. There’s almost an endless variety of pottery projects to make which you can take back to home your family and friends

The camper's family is encouraged to pay whatever they can afford for the camping experience. The camp provides a partial campership and the Fund pays the balance. If you would like to donate fund to help an underprivileged child attend summer camp in 2009 please send a check or make an online donation. Summer camp is an experience that enriches lives and all children should have the opportunity to attend kids summer camp. To learn how Swift Nature Camp can help your child attend camp visit our website.

Camp is so different than home because often at school children hangout with kids that are homogeneous. That's right all the same, same age, same gender, same community and more. Opportunities to make friends are not much more than others in class or down the block. However, at Swift Nature Camp kids get an opportunity to spend time with others, both younger and older and from different parts of the country or world. It is interesting how often the older teens become natural leaders for the younger kids, by “adopting them”. Not only is this true with campers but also for counselors as well. Our staff are generally college aged folks studying to be teachers. They truly look at SNC as a learning opportunity. They are camper centered making them great role models for today's youth. Then consider the SENIOR staff at camp...the oldsters do round out a super community which entices children to make new friends.

Catching frogs is one of favorite things to do at this children’s summer camp. One of the best hunting spots is the lamp poles at night. You see the frogs come up from the pond at night looking for food and all the bugs hanging around the light will do just fine.

Ask any camper what makes Swift Nature Camp so special and they will tell you it’s “the new camp friends”. But ask them why any? And they will tell you it’s because they accept me for who I am often unlike my friends at home. I can do stuff at camp that I can never tell my friends back home about.

Ever heard of Google Earth? Well, it lets you find everywhere! Including Swift Nature Camp! Can you find it here? A hint look at the bottom of the photo and you will see town...Maybe even the Village Scoop Ice Cream Shop. From there, go north and to the West. Still not sure? Try signing up for google earth and take a fly by. If you don’t know where to look try just typing in Swift Nature Camp and it will fly you right to camp. It is so much easier than taking the bus.

It’s cool to see camp from this view...Maybe this is what it is like being an eagle in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. So tune in to google earth and be you’ll be amazed

Calcium Pyruvate can be obtained from VitaDigest.com

When one weighs heavily, the joints of his or her knees, hips and lower back would have to exert double – if not triple – effort to carry him or her through out his / her waking, walking and moving life. This could cause tension and stress on these joints. Weight loss decreases the load these joints carry thus decreasing – if not eliminating – the pain of one who has osteoarthritis.

Mothers always say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Have a healthy meal in the morning to jump-start your metabolism.

Your food intake after you wake up will be used to burn fat all day long.

3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently. (About 6)

Five small-serving snacks per day are better than three hearty meals. Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also increase your metabolism and make calories burn faster. You don’t get hungry you are consistently eating,

4. Decide on how much weight you want to lose.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have decided on a weight loss plan or program, stick to it and make sure that you follow your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water. (12 oz. every meal 6)

Your body needs sufficient water to burn fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

Find Swift Nature Camp Blog at jewish summer camps

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Save your Child from Homesickness

J J Lorenz

Thinking of sending your child to summer camp? But what about Homesickness? You don't have to be a camper suffer from homesickness. A strange, new place can trigger separation anxiety. It is a normal part of childhood for many kids. It is evidence of the loving, trusting relationship you have built with your child and therefor, separation for the first time often is scary.

A Kids Summer Camp provides separation followed by a reunion. Yet, emotionally, it can be difficult to accept especially for children. Early on while adjusting to a new environment and living with new folks, children can get overwhelmed and even scared. Kids who enjoy new adventures and love sleepovers with friends may experience homesickness but usually it is limited.

Regardless of outcome, don't measure success as a parent by your child's adjustment to camp. Should your child do well and not feel homesick does not mean that they do not love you and need you. Also, if your child does poorly adjusting to camp, it does not mean that you have failed to create an independent child. For some campers , it feels as if they may never see you again . Be sure to put your child's reaction into context, often all they need is comfort and reassurance that all is ok.

Remember that even adults don't always act logically when they are very anxious. Homesickness is not about your child loving or trusting you enough, or about her independence or willingness to take risks. Homesickness is a temporary situation that she can over come with the support of adults. And when a child overcomes homesickness, it is an enormous boost to both self-confidence and self esteem. So assist the camp in doing what they do best, helping kids get over home sickness.

Should you ever give up? Sure, but don't act to quickly, unless you feel their is a problem more than just homesickness. Feelings of failure often accompanies those who return early. Sometimes, a child is just not ready for camp even with the best of intentions and efforts on the parents and camp. Especially, when it's just not a good fit. If, after a week or ten days with the best efforts of your camp, your child is clearly not adjusting, it may be time to bring your camper home. Usually going for a visit does not help the situation.

If you make the decision to bring your child home, hopefully in agreement with the camp director, then you need to support your child fully through what he may think is a failure. Don't go through an intense reevaluation the day he comes home, but after a few days, you should sort out what went right and what went wrong with the experience. Help your child to understand that even though the camp experience was disappointing, he is not a failure because he came home. Let your child know that you may reconsider another sleepaway camp program at another time because you have confidence in him.

A unqniue SUMMER CAMP FOR KIDS, Swift Nature Camp offers a program designed only for first time campers. This Discovery Camp works because during the 12 days it allows camper to move past homesickness and into self confidence. This program limits campers to about 50 with 6 in a cabin with 2 or 3 staff. All campers are here for their first time, setting a level playing field for all campers. If your child is a little reluctant to leave home, look for a program that is especially designed only for first time campers

Find out how to pick a summer camp at Summer Camp Advice Camp information

4. By 2020, 65% of the population will be 65 or elder. It is predicted we will require 700,000 nurses needed to support them.

5. The need for healthcare workers will triple by 2050.

6. The typical age of the nurse now is 46.

7. Of the 2.7 million RNs in this nation, 83% hold jobs in nursing.

5. The want for nurses will triple by 2050.

10. Surveys attest nurses would favor more aid to more compensation.

6. The mean age of the nurse nowadays is 46.

11. Hospitals offer free sign-on bonuses from $5,000 to $15,000 to a new Volkswagen Beetle!

7. Of the 2.7 million RNs in this nation, 83% have careers in nursing.

13. Nursing recruitment problems are responsible for for 50% of ventilator-related deaths, 42% of surgery-related deaths, 25% of transfusion errors, 19% of medicine errors, 14% of patient falls, and 14% of patient suicides.

9. 41% of nurses are discontented with their current jobs, mostly due to weak employment ratios.

16. Nursing shortages are plaguing a large amount cities, large and little, not just in the USA, but universal.

17. Hospital units, and some entire hospitals, are shutting down, not for lack of rooms, but a shortage of nurses.

11. Hospitals bid free sign-on bonuses from $5,000 to $15,000 to a new Volkswagen Beetle!

19. Hospitals are forcing compulsory overtime to endure the patient-care loads. Nurses feel exhausted, burned out, and under-appreciated.

About the authors: Jeff and Lonnie Lorenz are the directors of Swift a non-competitive, traditional coed overnight summer camp. ThisMinnesota Camp for Boys and Girls Ages 6-15 promotes Nature, Animals & Science along with Adventure activities. Swift specializes in programs for the first time camper as well as Adventure Teen Summer Camp Programs

Monday, August 17, 2009

Boy, how have times changed

James Holan

We were not raised this way!

Sorry if this offends you. This article is not meant to offend anyone. It is meant to open everyone’s eyes to what we as a society are doing to our children and our nation.

When you were a child did your mother cook for you. When I was a child my mother used to cook dinner every night. She made me eat my vegetables. I couldn’t leave the table until I had eaten everything she thought I should have eaten no matter how many gagging noises I made or how much I pretended I was going to throw up.

McDonalds was not located on every corner or every 2 minutes apart back then.

McDonalds was not located every 2 minutes apart back then.

I didn’t have a video game. I had to do crazy things for entertainment like play outside. I had strange toys like tennis racquets, footballs, basketballs, Frisbees, slingshots and BB guns. I had Gi Joes and toys soldiers. I knew how to play hide and go seek and I could run and ride bicycles. I even knew how to swim and took Judo lessons at the YMCA. A joy stick was a stick that gave me joy when I threw it.

It was unusal to see an overwieght child. There was only 1 “fat kid” in the school. She was teased a lot. Sorry that is just how it was back then. We just were not used to seeing fat people that were children.

There was only 1 “fat kid” in the school. She was teased a lot. Sorry that is just how it was back then. We just were not used to seeing fat people that were children.

Boy, have times changed!

When I was a kid I had to take a bath after I was done playing. Today, kids only have to wash their thumb that was working the button or their joystick hands when they are done playing. They don't have to take a complete bath becuase if they wash their hands then they have washed all they used to play today.

Parents don’t know how to cook anymore. I guess some do but McDonalds is so much easier. They think eating healthy is eating a Fried Chicken Breast sandwich from a fast food restaurant with a diet soda. Soda does not count as water. Kids these days are not forced to eat vegetables. Parents don’t want to have to argue with their children. It is a parent’s job to decide what a child eats and to make them eat healthy. My son says my job is to protect him. Teaching him how to eat properly and saying no to him is my job as a parent.

Today children think basketball, football, volleyball and tennis are played on video game screens. The only part that is getting exercise is their thumbs. Come on parents. Make your kid play outside. I have parents come into my Karate School everyday with overweight children wanting to get them away from computers and video games. You could just take the games and TV’s away. Over 50% of the kids in my karate school come in the door overweight.

When the child walked in I noticed he was almost as wide as he was tall. We tried him out; he was as I figured, too young for the class. At this age exercise should not be to get back in shape. It should be fun. A 5-year-old should never have been given the chance to get out of shape. Whose fault is it? Did the 5 year old get the car keys and drive to get a cheeseburger and fries? I don’t think so. The parents give in to the child and let them eat what they want. Immediately after the trial class while I was trying to talk to the mother, the child kept saying, ”I want Cheetos, I want Cheetos”. So what did the mother of the overweight 5-year-old child do? She bought him Cheetos and a Sprite. The child didn't sign up. He said the class was too much work.

Will your child be a quitter? Are we raising a quitter? Adults don’t want to push their children into anything these days or force them to commit to it because their parent forced them to do things they didn’t like to do things. But my question to you is this, are you successful today because your parents forced you to exercise and forced you to commit to projects and sports? Did they let you quit sports when you had a bad day? Did they let you quit anything? Mine didn’t. And I thank them for not letting me quit everything. The habits of quitting and not committing to things are going to follow your children through life. If you let them always quit things as a child then they are never going to be able to hold a long-term job as a teen or adult. Think about this when they say karate is too hard and I don’t want to go anymore. Think about them quitting their 1st job when they are 16 because they had to work hard that day. Think about them dropping out of college if they make it that far. Think about them quitting a job every 2 years as an adult. Did you quit every 2 years and become as successful as you are today with these quitter habits.

When the child walked in I noticed he was almost as wide as he was tall. We tried him out; he was as I figured, too young for the class. At this age exercise should not be to get back in shape. It should be fun. A 5-year-old should never have been given the chance to get out of shape. Whose fault is it? Did the 5 year old get the car keys and drive to get a cheeseburger and fries? I don’t think so. The parents give in to the child and let them eat what they want. Immediately after the trial class while I was trying to talk to the mother, the child kept saying, ”I want Cheetos, I want Cheetos”. So what did the mother of the overweight 5-year-old child do? She bought him Cheetos and a Sprite. The child didn't sign up. He said the class was too much work. Since when is exercise too much work?

The reason I am writing this article is to remind everyone over 30 that we were not raised this way so why are we raising our children this way?

James Holan 5th Dan in TKD

In Irving and Grapevine, TX.

Adults don’t want to push their children into anything these days or force them to commit to it because their parent forced them to do things they didn’t like to do things. But my question to you is this, are you successful today because your parents forced you to exercise and forced you to commit to projects and sports? Did they let you quit sports when you had a bad day? Did they let you quit anything? Mine didn’t. And I thank them for not letting me quit everything. The habits of quitting and not committing to things are going to follow your children through life. If you let them always quit things as a child then they are never going to be able to hold a long-term job as a teen or adult. Think about this when they say karate is too hard and I don’t want to go anymore. Think about them quitting their 1st job when they are 16 because they had to work hard that day. Think about them dropping out of college if they make it that far. Think about them quitting a job every 2 years as an adult. Did you quit every 2 years and become as successful as you are today with these quitter habits.

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Sending a Kid to Overnight Camp

Lonnie Lorenz

This question wouldn't even occur to most people who went to summer camp as a child ~ most of them can tell you long cherished stories they still remember in detail. The memories of summer camp are reminders of experiences with a lifetime's worth of value. Finding a Summer Camp

Few places on earth can provide a child with opportunities for never ending daily fun the way the best camps can. All of that great fun would be reason enough for anyone to want to be at an overnight camp, but summer camp offers much more to a child?s life, whether it?s a nature camp or animal camp or a science camp or a nonspecific resident camp. Summer Camp

Children?s camps are healthy places to be. Physical exercise is a natural part of a healthy child?s life, and camp is a natural provider of constant, safe exercise. The overnight camper?s intellect and imagination get plenty of exercise as well.

Camp offers a chance for kids to learn social interaction in a creative and independent way. Guided by capable adult friends called counselors, campers get an independent chance to apply what they have been taught at home in a larger world. If a summer camp is a coed camp, there is even more opportunity for kids to learn how to relate with members of the other gender as friends and equals rather than what advertisers promote.Summer Camps

Speaking of value, given our current economy sleep away camp is easily the most affordable summer care choice available. Camp is so much more than childcare. It's a place and time for kids to gain independence, enhance their skills, make new friends and above all have fun.

Campers grow into themselves, setting newer and higher standards for their own behavior. The kids camp daily context is activities that encourage perseverance, listening skills, teamwork, and the ability to recognize similarities and appreciate differences in each individual. Self discovery becomes a lifelong habit.

Summer camp is a new chance to rediscover a growing life. Sleep-away camp is an opportunity for each child to come to a new place and try new things and make new friends. Everyone starts as an equal with a chance to just be oneself around others. Summer camp is so much more than the most affordable childcare choice parents can make?

Swift Nature Camp is one of the few camps nationwide that offers a beginning camp experience only for the first time camper. Learn More at Youth Summer Camp

It was unusal to see an overwieght child. There was only 1 “fat kid” in the school. She was teased a lot. Sorry that is just how it was back then. We just were not used to seeing fat people that were children.

There was only 1 “fat kid” in the school. She was teased a lot. Sorry that is just how it was back then. We just were not used to seeing fat people that were children.

Boy, have times changed!

When I was a kid I had to take a bath after I was done playing. Today, kids only have to wash their thumb that was working the button or their joystick hands when they are done playing. They don't have to take a complete bath becuase if they wash their hands then they have washed all they used to play today.

Parents don’t know how to cook anymore. I guess some do but McDonalds is so much easier. They think eating healthy is eating a Fried Chicken Breast sandwich from a fast food restaurant with a diet soda. Soda does not count as water. Kids these days are not forced to eat vegetables. Parents don’t want to have to argue with their children. It is a parent’s job to decide what a child eats and to make them eat healthy. My son says my job is to protect him. Teaching him how to eat properly and saying no to him is my job as a parent.

Today children think basketball, football, volleyball and tennis are played on video game screens. The only part that is getting exercise is their thumbs. Come on parents. Make your kid play outside. I have parents come into my Karate School everyday with overweight children wanting to get them away from computers and video games. You could just take the games and TV’s away. Over 50% of the kids in my karate school come in the door overweight.

When the child walked in I noticed he was almost as wide as he was tall. We tried him out; he was as I figured, too young for the class. At this age exercise should not be to get back in shape. It should be fun. A 5-year-old should never have been given the chance to get out of shape. Whose fault is it? Did the 5 year old get the car keys and drive to get a cheeseburger and fries? I don’t think so. The parents give in to the child and let them eat what they want. Immediately after the trial class while I was trying to talk to the mother, the child kept saying, ”I want Cheetos, I want Cheetos”. So what did the mother of the overweight 5-year-old child do? She bought him Cheetos and a Sprite. The child didn't sign up. He said the class was too much work.

Will your child be a quitter? Are we raising a quitter? Adults don’t want to push their children into anything these days or force them to commit to it because their parent forced them to do things they didn’t like to do things. But my question to you is this, are you successful today because your parents forced you to exercise and forced you to commit to projects and sports? Did they let you quit sports when you had a bad day? Did they let you quit anything? Mine didn’t. And I thank them for not letting me quit everything. The habits of quitting and not committing to things are going to follow your children through life. If you let them always quit things as a child then they are never going to be able to hold a long-term job as a teen or adult. Think about this when they say karate is too hard and I don’t want to go anymore. Think about them quitting their 1st job when they are 16 because they had to work hard that day. Think about them dropping out of college if they make it that far. Think about them quitting a job every 2 years as an adult. Did you quit every 2 years and become as successful as you are today with these quitter habits.

When the child walked in I noticed he was almost as wide as he was tall. We tried him out; he was as I figured, too young for the class. At this age exercise should not be to get back in shape. It should be fun. A 5-year-old should never have been given the chance to get out of shape. Whose fault is it? Did the 5 year old get the car keys and drive to get a cheeseburger and fries? I don’t think so. The parents give in to the child and let them eat what they want. Immediately after the trial class while I was trying to talk to the mother, the child kept saying, ”I want Cheetos, I want Cheetos”. So what did the mother of the overweight 5-year-old child do? She bought him Cheetos and a Sprite. The child didn't sign up. He said the class was too much work. Since when is exercise too much work?

The reason I am writing this article is to remind everyone over 30 that we were not raised this way so why are we raising our children this way?

James Holan 5th Dan in TKD

In Irving and Grapevine, TX.

Adults don’t want to push their children into anything these days or force them to commit to it because their parent forced them to do things they didn’t like to do things. But my question to you is this, are you successful today because your parents forced you to exercise and forced you to commit to projects and sports? Did they let you quit sports when you had a bad day? Did they let you quit anything? Mine didn’t. And I thank them for not letting me quit everything. The habits of quitting and not committing to things are going to follow your children through life. If you let them always quit things as a child then they are never going to be able to hold a long-term job as a teen or adult. Think about this when they say karate is too hard and I don’t want to go anymore. Think about them quitting their 1st job when they are 16 because they had to work hard that day. Think about them dropping out of college if they make it that far. Think about them quitting a job every 2 years as an adult. Did you quit every 2 years and become as successful as you are today with these quitter habits.

About the authors: Jeff and Lonnie Lorenz are the directors of Swift Nature Camp, a non-competitive, traditional coed overnight summer camp. Boys and Girls Ages 6-15 enjoy nature, animals & science along with traditional camping activities. Swift specializes in programs for the First Time Camper as well as the Teenage Camper. To learn more click Children's Summer Camp or our special First Time Camper program

Attention Deficit Disorder in the Dojang


Over the last decade, there has been a tremendous amount of research dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Children diagnosed with ADD tend to have difficulty giving or sustaining attention. They frequently appear unorganized, and may have difficulty following instructions or directions. Often, these children tend to lose items related to task completion and tend to be forgetful. Some children with the disorder may also display hyperactive and/or impulsive behavior. They squirm or become fidgety, interrupt others, talk excessively, engage in a high level of motor activity and have difficulty in turn-taking activities. Many children with ADD experience difficulty building and maintaining positive peer relationships.

More and more professionals engaged in the treatment of children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are recommending that these children become involved in a martial arts program. For many children with Attention Deficit Disorder, the dojang provides ideal place to increase attention span, decrease distraction, develop motor and behavioral control, improve self-esteem, and build positive peer relationships. As a Certified School Psychologist, I have frequently recommended taekwondo instruction for ADD children. As a taekwondo instructor, I have seen ADD children make tremendous strides in their ability to sustain attention and control behavior. Finally, as the mother of an ADD child, I have seen the impact that taekwondo instruction can have on attentional and behavioral concerns on the home front.

Families with ADD children should carefully select a taekwondo school. The instructors at the school should have some familiarity with Attention Deficit Disorder as well as some knowledge of strategies for working with these students. Instructors should constantly be mindful of the needs of each individual student and insure that these needs are addressed in the activities that are provided. A class size of ten to twelve beginners is certainly preferable to one of thirty to forty beginners. It is also a positive sign if assistant instructors or trainees are available to provide extra on-to-one assistance where needed. Parents should seek instructors that provide discipline primarily by shaping behavior through positive reinforcement. This is not to say that the instructor should never impose consequences such as "push-ups" or verbal correction but when correction is provided any positive effort at improvement should be recognized. Consistency is another key component in providing good taekwondo instruction to ADD students. ADD students tend to respond better when they know what to expect and when to expect it.

Things that parents can do to help their ADD child to have a positive experience in the dojang. First of all, it is important that your child attend class on a regular basis. Do not punish your child by withholding taekwondo classes. I have frequently heard parents make comments such as "if you get another bad behavior grade, you won't be able to go to taekwondo." Since one of the primary purposes of a taekwondo class for children should be to promote good discipline and respect, it makes no sense to use this as a punishment. Secondly, be consistent in developing your child's class schedule. Choosing to attend class at the same times on the same and days each week establishes a habit of attendance. On class days, rather than ask your child if he/she would like to go to class, announce that it is time to get ready for class. On school days, you would not ask your child if he/she wanted to go to school, but rather you would facilitate their getting ready for school. Assist your child in maintaining uniforms and equipment. It helps to keep an extra clean uniform on hand, and to buy spare mouthpieces in advance. Have a consistent place for gear storage, and have your child double check for all pieces of gear prior to leaving for class and from class. Be supportive of your child's instructor, and do not be afraid to ask for suggestions for assistance with discipline at appropriate times. Most instructors will be glad to set up an appointment with you to address any special concerns you may have pertaining to your child. Praise your child for accomplishments and provide encouragement when they experience difficulty. In whatever way you can, help to make taekwondo a positive experience in your child's life.

Martial Arts not only improves the physical skills of the practitioner but, also, elevates both the mind and the spirit. Drills provided can be a powerful tool in helping ADD students learn to focus their minds on a task and increase their attention span.

In my writings I talk a lot about – and try to explain away – many golf myths. One such myth is the supposed need to get the club shaft to horizontal at the top of the golf swing. Why should the golf club get to horizontal? Why is this the ideal position? What is the scientific reasoning for this? Because it is parallel with mother earth? What if it is a little shy of horizontal? What if it goes beyond horizontal (see John Daly)? Getting the club to horizontal is an arbitrary instruction that unfortunately cripples many a player in their efforts to get it there, and distracts them from the primary ingredient of the golf swing: the downswing. What if someone came along and told you it did not matter if you got the club to horizontal or not? What if someone told you you do not need to be a contortionist while executing the backswing? Wouldn’t that lift some big burdens in playing golf?

There is an irony in the fact that most of us try to make a big backswing, while telling our buddies to slow down. What if you were told you could speed up? Should speed up? While many will say that even on the PGA Tour there’s nearly as many different golf swings as there is players, there is one undeniable common denominator among them, and that is acceleration.

All top players accelerate the golf club to impact. Many a struggling player makes such a huge swing that they either get into a position from which acceleration is difficult, or they are so out of control that they decelerate in order to try to gain control by the time they reach impact. Either way the result usually does not produce the distance desired, or the contact required. Deceleration is contrary to centripetal force while acceleration contributes to it. Suffice to say, two swings that are 90 mph at impact are not the same if one was accelerating from 80 to 90, while the other was decelerating from 100 to 90 at impact. Consider the racecar driver who slows before a curve in the road, and then accelerates into it. Then consider an occasion where you were going too fast for a curve and had to slow down. Remember feeling how hard it was to maintain control of the vehicle as you encountered the turn? The golf swing is no different. A decelerating golf club cannot remain on its intended path and will veer wider than its intended path. This creates a wider arc, the bottom of which is now behind the ball. Hello fat shot. Even if your club was going 200 mph before it hit the ground, hitting the ground will slow it down immensely, not to mention all the other negatives associated with hitting the big ball (earth) before the small ball (golf). The answer is not slowing down.

Acceleration is the answer. Acceleration from an advantageous position. Interestingly, while a big backswing tends to promote deceleration, a short backswing does the opposite. A short backswing promotes acceleration. Your win-win. Mentally, it’s like you do not believe the shortened backswing will do the trick, so you accelerate to make up for it. Hello good shot. Being it was so good, you become willing to try it again. And it works again. The next thing you know, rather than trying to attain difficult physical positions (such as getting the club to horizontal at the top of the backswing) you are practicing accelerating the club. Imagine practicing something good. Aha.

And here’s the bonus to the bonus. Practicing (consistently) leads to muscle memory. Muscle memory leads to speed. Think of anything you do that requires muscle memory and that which you do repeatedly. Whether it is tying your shoelaces, or your tie, or phoning home, you do it quicker now than when you first started. I highly doubt that since you mastered phoning home, you began trying to phone home harder. I highly doubt that since you mastered tying your tie, you began trying to tie your tie bigger. I highly doubt that since mastering tying your laces, you began trying to tie bigger laces. Okay, I am pushing the point. But I think you see the point.

Surprisingly PGA Tour players don’t enjoy one luxury that we do. They do not have the luxury to mess around with their golf swings. We can mess around and only our game suffers. They mess around, and suddenly their day-to-day existence suffers. Ask Ian Baker-Finch. PGA Tour players have learned that by shortening their swings and working on acceleration they can attain just as much (or more) distance than they used to, and improve accuracy and consistency – two staples to life on the Tour. That is why we will continue to see a growing trend of shorter backswings on the long golf courses of the PGA Tour.

Clive Scarff, a teaching professional, is also the author of Hit Down Dammit! More information can be found at www.hitdowndammit.com.

Drill: The Right Hand Thrust Drill

The Right Hand Thrust Drill can be found on “Hit Down Drills!” - one of four DVDs in the Hit Down Dammit! Golf Instruction DVD series available at www.hitdowndammit.com. This drill’s goal is to develop acceleration from a shortened backswing position. While harder than it looks, the results will surprise you.

Swing your club back to waist-high, pause a split second, and then use your right hand to "thrust" the clubhead down toward the golf ball. You will find you have now created sufficient speed with the clubhead that it follows through to the target, naturally, putting you in a finish position wherein the clubhead is pointing at the target, the toe is up, and the shaft is roughly horizontal (waist-high) and parallel to the target line. This position should roughly mirror your top-of-backswing position.

As you perfect this drill you’ll create more clubhead speed, the momentum from which will see a follow-through position that "naturally" swings through a little higher than the height of your backswing. It is important that this follow-through is natural, not forced or abbreviated.

(To see this drill as a video please visit: http://www.hitdowndammit.com/#Drills)

For more articles, or further information, please contact Clive Scarff at clive@hitdowndammit.com

Will your child be a quitter? Are we raising a quitter? Adults don’t want to push their children into anything these days or force them to commit to it because their parent forced them to do things they didn’t like to do things. But my question to you is this, are you successful today because your parents forced you to exercise and forced you to commit to projects and sports? Did they let you quit sports when you had a bad day? Did they let you quit anything? Mine didn’t. And I thank them for not letting me quit everything. The habits of quitting and not committing to things are going to follow your children through life. If you let them always quit things as a child then they are never going to be able to hold a long-term job as a teen or adult. Think about this when they say karate is too hard and I don’t want to go anymore. Think about them quitting their 1st job when they are 16 because they had to work hard that day. Think about them dropping out of college if they make it that far. Think about them quitting a job every 2 years as an adult. Did you quit every 2 years and become as successful as you are today with these quitter habits.

When the child walked in I noticed he was almost as wide as he was tall. We tried him out; he was as I figured, too young for the class. At this age exercise should not be to get back in shape. It should be fun. A 5-year-old should never have been given the chance to get out of shape. Whose fault is it? Did the 5 year old get the car keys and drive to get a cheeseburger and fries? I don’t think so. The parents give in to the child and let them eat what they want. Immediately after the trial class while I was trying to talk to the mother, the child kept saying, ”I want Cheetos, I want Cheetos”. So what did the mother of the overweight 5-year-old child do? She bought him Cheetos and a Sprite. The child didn't sign up. He said the class was too much work. Since when is exercise too much work?

The reason I am writing this article is to remind everyone over 30 that we were not raised this way so why are we raising our children this way?

James Holan 5th Dan in TKD

In Irving and Grapevine, TX.

Adults don’t want to push their children into anything these days or force them to commit to it because their parent forced them to do things they didn’t like to do things. But my question to you is this, are you successful today because your parents forced you to exercise and forced you to commit to projects and sports? Did they let you quit sports when you had a bad day? Did they let you quit anything? Mine didn’t. And I thank them for not letting me quit everything. The habits of quitting and not committing to things are going to follow your children through life. If you let them always quit things as a child then they are never going to be able to hold a long-term job as a teen or adult. Think about this when they say karate is too hard and I don’t want to go anymore. Think about them quitting their 1st job when they are 16 because they had to work hard that day. Think about them dropping out of college if they make it that far. Think about them quitting a job every 2 years as an adult. Did you quit every 2 years and become as successful as you are today with these quitter habits.

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Thousands Now Start Homeschooling Who Never Thought They Could

Humanlux Team

Why let Tim and Lisa learn at home than send them to school? Well, first of all, you do not have to wake them up at 7 each morning and bundle them off to school with lots of instructions, and wait with an anxious heart till they return. Homeschooling gives you a lot of control over the influences that affect your child. The growth and development of your child has changed from the realm of the unknown. Just you alone can decide what your child needs to do or learn. Tailoring the curriculum to suit the needs and interests of the child is certainly one of the most obvious benefits of homeschooling

Individual attention is also another salient benefit of homeschooling. An example, if Lisa needs more time to learn Math, then she can reduce the time for her English lessons. There are no fixed hours of learning subjects. This means that a child has the advantage of assigning more time to the subject that seems tough WITHOUT any additional pressure. The number of hours needed to learn each subject will depend on the abilities and interests of the child.

hours to the subject that seems tough WITHOUT any additional pressure. The total time needed to learn each subject will depend on the abilities and interests of the child.

The schooling of the child becomes a big family activity. Parents are involved in every step of the learning procedure. Field trips and experiments will be family activities. Thus, the child receives a lot of quality time with his parents. The entire family shares games, chores and projects. Family

Competition is little when it comes to homeschooling. The child does not need to prove his ability with regards to other children. His confidence is still intact. Since parents have a

There is no competition when it comes to homeschooling. The child does not need to prove his ability with regards to other children. His confidence stays intact. Since parents have a deep understanding of their child, they can plan the learning program to pique the child's interest. It is also possible to intersperse difficult tasks with fun activities. A tough hour with Algebra can be followed by a trip to the nearest museum. Learning will be fun. Parents can also tailor the curriculum to suit the learning style of the child. Some children learn through reading, while others need to write, and still others want to see objects in action.

Homeschooling allows parents taking control over the moral and religious learning of the child. Parents have the flexibility to incorporate what they beliefs and their ideologies into the child's curriculum. There is no confusion in the child's mind either because there is no variation between what is being taught and what is being practiced. Lastly, more and more parents are getting disillusioned about the public school system. They believe that their children are being

Homeschooling allows parents to take control over the moral and religious learning of the child. Parents have the flexibility to incorporate their beliefs and ideologies into the child's curriculum.

There is no confusion in the child's mind either because there is no variation between what is being taught and what is being practiced. Lastly, more and more parents are getting disillusioned with the public school system. They believe that their children are being pushed too hard or too little. Other worrying issues pertaining to discipline and ethics also make the school system less welcome. Many repudiate the educational philosophy of grouping children solely on the basis of their age. Some parents themselves have unhappy memories of their own public school experience that motivates them to opt for homeschooling when it comes to their own children.

Homeschooling is the best way to teach a child if you have the time, the ability and the interest to follow through with his education. After all, nobody can understand or appreciate your child more than yourself.

8. Balance is the key.

Very often your time is devoted to your career when you are in your 20s and 30s. When you reach your 40s, your personal life might take precedence and maybe very important to you. Find a corporation that will provide you with a balance in your work and your life.

If you're not satisfied with the way your career is going, go do something. Always be in control of your career path to have a satisfying career.

Thank you for your interest.

With the current emphasis on streamlined and productivity-focused companies, the cultural and company fit are even important as the professional goals. Consider the values and principles of the company and compare them with your own. It is even important that you feel comfortable and fit in with company.


Summer Camp Information

Lonnie Lorenz

With over 6,000 summer camps in the United States, finding the RIGHT camp can be a difficult task. So start doing your research.

Ia a perfect world you would start searching for a camp a full year before you sign up. That way you can visit the camps while camp is in session. That way you can look over the camp facilities, the campers, while giving you a chance to get a feel for the program and its personality. You may even save a little cash from signing up early. Having said that, Few of us are that organized so, don't lose hope. And start by late Winter or early Spring. Some camps do fill up quickly and you may not be in luck with a late start.

Some ways to find camps include: Word of Mouth, Churches or Synagogues, Library, Newspapers & Magazines, Local Camp Fairs and Private Camp Adviser's. However the most popular theses days is the internet. . By using google and typing the summer camp plus the state a huge array of camp listings will show up. Camp directories are another way to find a summer camp. These have many camps listed and a short overview of each camp. However, one of the best is American Camp Association or in the Midwest I’d look at CampsRus..com

It is important to have a goal in mind a check list of what your looking for in a summer camp experience. With that in hand start your search and use a check list to help narrow down your search. Once you have narrowed your search to four or five possibilities, call or e-mail the camp to ask for information. In addition to printed materials, most private camps also have a promotional video. Understand that these videos are promotional tools, but they will give you a visual image of the camp and the children.

Most families can not make a journey to camp while they are in session. But if you can, you will learn the most through direct observation and conversations. Call ahead for an appointment to make sure that you can visit on a day where you can see the program in action. The director may ask you to choose another day if your first choice falls when many campers would be off camp, or during visiting day or between sessions. If you can, review the camp's promotional materials before the visit.

We may have forgotten that Israel never returned from the Assyrian Captivity. God “scattered them among the heathen,” Ezekiel 36:19. Many migrated to Europe and intermarried with Christians and fled the medieval oppression to the New World. Now their 2730 years of "captivity" are ending. As with Israel when their time was up in Egypt, we may see that God will act. "He that scattered Israel will gather him,” Jeremiah 31:10.

We have forgotten, but in the Assyrian Captivity, Israel never returned. God “scattered them among the heathen,” Ezekiel 36:19. Many moved to Europe and intermarried with Christians. Many came to the New World for freedom. But now the 2730 years are ending and just as Israel's time was up in Egypt, “He that scattered Israel will gather him,” Jeremiah 31:10.

Israel was delivered from Egypt at Passover in connection with the Passover lamb. 1400 years later, a Jewish prophet proclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world,” John 1:29.

According to Christian belief, the Messiah fulfilled the Jewish sacrificial system of laws and “and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all,” Isaiah 53:6. He said, "Not one period or comma will pass from the law till all is fulfilled." Matthew 5:18. He also showed his concern for “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” that are still scattered to many continents today, Matthew 15:24.

This may have been on his mind when he used imagery from Egypt to foretell another midnight cry when deliverance would again be at hand, and another covenant made resulting in his Bride?—Behold, the Bridegroom comes!” Matthew 25:6.

Christians believe the Savior fulfilled the sacrificial system of the Jewish law and “and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6. Known as a great teacher, he reflected concern for “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” that had been scattered, Matthew 15:24.

You will surprise them with your defense. The facts, evidence, and case laws that you present will get you that dismissal.


More information atSummer Camp Information A>.

Teen go to Camp

J. Lorenz

Choosing the right summer activity for a teen is often more complicated than for a younger child. Yet, the rewards can be even Greater. A teenager is in the midst of an incredible growth spurt. As parents we are always looking to increase our teens emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social Development. Teen Adventure Camp programs are a wonderful way of doing this.

Finding the right summer program for teens is not all that different than that of a ten year old. It is important to find a safe, secure, and appropriate environment. Yet, teens need and are ready for new challenges and increased independence. Yearly, as interests expand and your child matures, reexamine your choice.

Remeber, interests, and abilities of a 13 year-old are quite different from that of a 17 year-old. So, when thinking programs, you should always keep in mind your child's maturity. Supervision in many of the programs designed for teens is less than for younger children, so be sure to ask. One great resource is Summer Camp Advice a resource for Summer Camp Information

Teens are part kid and part adult. So planning a summer program may be more complex than you think. Because many good programs fill up fast, you will want to try to focus early to avoid disappointment.

The best way to start is to sit down and listen to your child. Often you can strengthen your relationship with your teenager. Discuss with your child his interests, concerns, and values. You need to talk with your teen about what each of you want the summer to be. Look for opportunities for personal growth as well as just getting better in a sport. Be ready for " I don't want to do anything."

Their are many teen programs available and its important to try to find the right one. As a parent do not give up right away. Sometimes you have to really look hard to find the right answer. The internet is a very useful tool for this. But it is helpful to know if your thinking serving, traveling, adventure or a little of all.

One of the best ways to reconcile your goals with your child's is to piece together the summer with activities from both of your lists. Although it is more difficult and figuring things out may be more time consuming, your teen will get a broader experience for your work.

If you decide that your teen will choose a local program, it is important to establish summer rules, expectation, chores, and schedules. This will be especially important if this will be the first summer in years that your youngster is spending at home.

Swift Nature Camp may be the perfect fit for your teenager. Swift Nature Camp is unique among teen summer camps in that we provide teens a special opportunity to make friends in a relaxed and fun-filled environment, to build self-esteem and independence, and to challenge themselves with new physical and creative activities. We realize teenagers want to do things for themselves and are bored by a "normal" camp. So we provide an Adventure Camp program with loads of opportunities cabins often leave camp and go out into the big open wild and see the Apostle Islands, go to the International Wolf Center or find themselves canoeing down the Mississippi River. Camp for Teens

Last and most importantly remember youth is limited and no adult ever looked back and recalls the good old days of just watching TV all summer!

TO learn more how to select an Summer Camp visit Summer Camp Advice. Kids Camp Information

This may have been on his mind when he used imagery from Egypt to foretell another midnight cry when deliverance would again be at hand, and another covenant made resulting in his Bride?—Behold, the Bridegroom comes!” Matthew 25:6.

Christians believe the Savior fulfilled the sacrificial system of the Jewish law and “and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6. Known as a great teacher, he reflected concern for “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” that had been scattered, Matthew 15:24.

You will surprise them with your defense. The facts, evidence, and case laws that you present will get you that dismissal.


About the authors: Jeff and Lonnie Lorenz are the directors of Swift Nature Camp, a non-competitive, Summer Camps for Teens. That offers a traditional coed overnight summer camp for Boy and Girl Teens. Campers enjoy Adventure trips along with in camp activities: Scuba, Sailing, Skiing and more. To learn more click Summer Camp

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Kids Need More Than Earth Day

Lonnie Lorenz

Nearly 40 years ago America celebrated the first Earth Day On April 22, 1970. At the time it was important to stress the importance of one planet. Celebrate life and to bring information on environmental issues Now earth day is a world wire day.Earth Day

Richard Louv , child expert, believes the lack of nature for our kids is causing extreme concern. He calls this phenomenon nature-deficit order. He feels rends such as rises in obesity, attention disorders, and depression are all in part caused by a lack of play in nature.

Summer camps since the early 1900 have been getting kids outdoors and informing children about the environment. Yet, when folks talk today about camp it could be a skateboard camp or a math camp at a college campus. Summer camp is a wonderful way to get your child to have greater appreciation for the environment. Swift Nature Camp is a place that can help you develop you child's joy in nature. .Environmental Camp

As an Outdoors Summer Camp, the focus is to blend traditional summer camp activities with an appreciation for nature and environment. We make Nature Fun! Here are some campers thoughts..

"Swift combines the best summer activities with learning. We have fun. doing all the activities but it the beauty of the nature that makes this place special"

"Last year a turtle came right up by our cabin and laid its eggs."

"I love the animals in the Nature Center...I even brought my snake to show all the other campers."

Listen, you can hear loads of birds especially in the morning. But its the loon at might that i really love."

Lonnie Lorenz says the camp Director says" It a child's natural curiosity that makes our Science Camp work." What kids like best is going on frog hunts and then taking them to the Nature Center for the day. They are always released back from where they were captured. Campers also love our Adventure trips, canoing down an untouched river is wonderful."

As an environmental camp SNC shines, but it's our small size that allows us to help each camper with their development. At summer camp children will have an opportunity to act on their own, be self-reliant and try things for themselves. THis is all part of growing up.

To put it in one word, summer camp provides independence, and that's a major part of growing up. When campers find adult friends called counselors, whomodel perseverance, listening, teamwork and appreciation of differences, campers set new and high standards for their own behavior. This in turn brings their new found independence more in linewith yourat-home teachings.

We see Swift Nature Camp as an opportunity for each child to come to a new place and try new things and make new friends. Summer camp is a new world. Who you were before has no bearing on who you want to be, because camp is a new beginning. Many of our campers return year after year saying that "Swift allows me to be my real self with real people" and we feel that's a good thing.

the northwoods is a great place for fun & sun. All who come to Swift Nature Camp find this to be their summer home. So be a part of our family this summer?

Need help finding a summer camp that fits your child's needs. Visit Summer Camp Advice Find a Summer Camp

Larvae devour natural fibres throughout their development, eventually emerging as an adult.

Adults emerge between March and early August, and feed on pollen.

These insect pests cause both physical damage by their larvae eating fabrics and psychological damage from the huge numbers of these pests which can emerge into homes.

When dealing with these pests it is important to look for the presence of birds’ nesting material and remove any nests and feathers etc from the infested before treating with an appropriate insecticide.

It is important to be aware that in the Great Britain legislation affects the removal of birds’ nest, including sparrows and starlings which are the two common birds which have an association with A.verbasci so professional advice should be sought to avoid contravening the law.

In the majority cases trapping is the the only option and

As a special offer before our busy times begin we are offering 25% off the normal cost until April 30 2009. Whilst we normally cover the whole of Lancashire, Cheshire and Greater Manchester, we are willing to travel further afield but this will increase the cost.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have decided on a weight loss plan or program, stick to it and make sure that you follow your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water. (12 oz. every meal 6)

Your body needs sufficient water to burn fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

About the authors: Jeff and Lonnie Lorenz are the directors of Swift Nature Camp, is an overnight Summer Camp with a a non-competitive, traditional focus . Boys and Girls Ages 6-15 enjoy nature, animals & science along with traditional camping activities. Swift specializes in Teen Summer Camp programs for the Teenage Campers as well as a First time Camper Program.

Environmental Camp


At a Summer Camp with Animals Kids find out about animals at summer camp, if you choose a camp that includes animals in the programs they offer. Science camps offer sophisticated learning programs, but there are summer camps that include animals as a part of more playful programs.

For many children making a connection with animals is a great way to reconnect with nature. Campers can find and develop a desire to know more about the nature they find all around them. When they follow that desire, they begin to acquire a deep respect for nature that will serve them all their lives.

At Swift Nature Camp, also known as a Science Camp, has a unique pond aquarium gives kids a chance to see pond life from a frog's point of view, while our Nature\'s Neighbors live animal collection provides opportunities for up-close study and care of several common Northwoods residents as well as a few exotic immigrants. Campers with their own small animals are encouraged to bring them to camp to share with others. The animals live in the Nature Center, where all campers can enjoy and learn about them.

Working in conjunction with the Wisconsin DNR and the U.S. Park Service, Swift Nature Camp has also developed a hands-on environmental learning program which includes field trips, such as visits to a fish hatchery and state parks; hands-on field projects, like goose banding and butterfly counts; and exciting camp presentations, including visits with live owls.

Swift Nature Camp has a voluntary four-level program that rewards campers with a special patch of merit, and the categories include recognition of special skills with animals in categories like insects, pet care, bird watching, and horseback riding. Campers can choose just the right mix of play and learning to suit individual preference and need.

Todays children grow up too fast and need time to play. The summer camp you are looking for should challenge your child to try new things, but not in a stressful way. Camp is not school! Interaction with animals can be a perfect way for a child to learn by the natural discovery of play. Besides all the fun and excitement of a traditional camp, the kids have the joy of discovering Nature and the world we live in.

Every camper is an individual and benefits from his or her own particular mix of play and skill development. Swift Nature Camp has found a way to accamodate that range with a voluntary merit program that includes experience with animals. A camper's interaction with animals can be refined into skills involving horseback riding, insects, pet care and bird watching. These opportunities never come at the expense of fun!

The joy of discovering nature is the joy of discovering the world we live in. Living in a natural environment with access to animals is a perfect invitation for expansive play. Camp is a place where children can learn about animals as a participant rather than just receiving information. Camp is more fun and less stressful than school, and the world becomes the classroom.

You can learn more about selecting a wonderful summer camp by visiting Summer Camp Advice Summer Camp

As an environmental camp SNC shines, but it's our small size that allows us to help each camper with their development. At summer camp children will have an opportunity to act on their own, be self-reliant and try things for themselves. THis is all part of growing up.

To put it in one word, summer camp provides independence, and that's a major part of growing up. When campers find adult friends called counselors, whomodel perseverance, listening, teamwork and appreciation of differences, campers set new and high standards for their own behavior. This in turn brings their new found independence more in linewith yourat-home teachings.

We see Swift Nature Camp as an opportunity for each child to come to a new place and try new things and make new friends. Summer camp is a new world. Who you were before has no bearing on who you want to be, because camp is a new beginning. Many of our campers return year after year saying that "Swift allows me to be my real self with real people" and we feel that's a good thing.

the northwoods is a great place for fun & sun. All who come to Swift Nature Camp find this to be their summer home. So be a part of our family this summer?

Need help finding a summer camp that fits your child's needs. Visit Summer Camp Advice Find a Summer Camp

Larvae devour natural fibres throughout their development, eventually emerging as an adult.

Adults emerge between March and early August, and feed on pollen.

These insect pests cause both physical damage by their larvae eating fabrics and psychological damage from the huge numbers of these pests which can emerge into homes.

When dealing with these pests it is important to look for the presence of birds’ nesting material and remove any nests and feathers etc from the infested before treating with an appropriate insecticide.

It is important to be aware that in the Great Britain legislation affects the removal of birds’ nest, including sparrows and starlings which are the two common birds which have an association with A.verbasci so professional advice should be sought to avoid contravening the law.

In the majority cases trapping is the the only option and

As a special offer before our busy times begin we are offering 25% off the normal cost until April 30 2009. Whilst we normally cover the whole of Lancashire, Cheshire and Greater Manchester, we are willing to travel further afield but this will increase the cost.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have decided on a weight loss plan or program, stick to it and make sure that you follow your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water. (12 oz. every meal 6)

Your body needs sufficient water to burn fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

About the authors: Jeff and Lonnie Lorenz are the directors of Swift Nature Camp, a non-competitive, traditional overnight Science Summer Camp. Boys and Girls Ages 6-15 enjoy nature & animals along with traditional camping activities. Swift specializes in programs for the First Time Camper as well as Adventure Teen Camps

Rethinking Discipling Your Children

Rebecca Walther

Back in the day, when our Parents were children discipline was totally different. It was common for children to be spanked in stores, at home,for insolence, poor grades, bad behavior, or other misgivings. We all remember this happening to us and have, probably, since vowed to never do it to our child but does that mean they should stop being disciplined?

No. All children need boundaries, rules, and consequences. This is, in short, what all children need rules and consequences. Without this a child might never learn the difference between right and wrong.

In light of this, what kind of discipline should be kept in place to help teach a child morals? A lot of people are recommending time-out as the standard for small children and grounding for much older children. As far as older children go standard groundings last between two days and a week, sometimes more depending on the severity of the action. Some parents have even started taking away cell phones, game systems, and other fun activities in order to punish their children.

On the series “Nanny 911,” most out of control children are easily taught proper behavior by extraordinary British women who have been rearing children for fifteen plus years. What about the parent who is new to this “child rearing” experience and is not able to control their child in the same manner as those with so much experience? Not everyone can hire a British Nanny or get a spot on the show, so what is a parent to do?

If this is the case then a lot of parents might want to resort to a new method of discipline. Children with severe disciplinary problems need to be allowed to learn from someone other than their parents. The average child has problems with their parents; they get to a certain age where they cannot listen to their mother and father anymore. After all, at this point they think they are right about everything, that mom and dad no longer know what’s best, and that they have the ability to thrive in the world on their own.

Adults emerge between March and early August, and feed on pollen.

These insect pests cause both physical damage by their larvae eating fabrics and psychological damage from the huge numbers of these pests which can emerge into homes.

When dealing with these pests it is important to look for the presence of birds’ nesting material and remove any nests and feathers etc from the infested before treating with an appropriate insecticide.

It is important to be aware that in the Great Britain legislation affects the removal of birds’ nest, including sparrows and starlings which are the two common birds which have an association with A.verbasci so professional advice should be sought to avoid contravening the law.

In the majority cases trapping is the the only option and

As a special offer before our busy times begin we are offering 25% off the normal cost until April 30 2009. Whilst we normally cover the whole of Lancashire, Cheshire and Greater Manchester, we are willing to travel further afield but this will increase the cost.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have decided on a weight loss plan or program, stick to it and make sure that you follow your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water. (12 oz. every meal 6)

Your body needs sufficient water to burn fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

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